
Some bands and artists in particular that inspire me are Flowers Taped to Pens, The Newfound Interest in Connecticut, The Brave Little Abacus, Foxtails, Joan of Arc, NNAMDÏ, Your Arms Are My Cocoon, and Snowing––among many, many others.

flowers taped to pens - s/t newfound interest in connecticut - tell me about the long dark path home snowing - that time i sat in a pile of chocolate

Albums that have been incredibly influential to me:

Joan of Arc – How Memory Works

This and A Portable Model Of are both excellent records. The way they intertwine irregular grooves and high-pitched electrical chirps and whirrs is just magical. The cumulative product is something super special and unique.

Spencer Radclife – Brown Horse

I only just recently discovered Spencer Radcliffe's music and I'm so upset I hadn't listened sooner. This is the second album of his that I found after listening to Keeper earlier this summer. "My Song" is my favorite track off the record. The lyrics flow with a kind of stream-of-consciousness, anecdotal cadence and are written with a dry, silly, almost surreal poeticism that's sort of in the same vein as Slaughter Beach, Dog. R.L.'s side of this split is also killer.

This album helped me realize that sometimes songs can just be short and playful.

Street Smart Cyclist – Discography

This album is so, so good. The band is so locked in, it's crazy; the guitar licks are insanely catchy, the drums are energetic and spontaneous, and John's screams on this record are fully in a league of their own–they set the gold standard for all other emo vocalists. Each song is so raw and emotional. "Kiss Kitty" and "We Lack Science" are two of the best emo songs ever written. They follow a similar song structure, with verses clumped into groups of three rather than four, which contributes to the upbeat feel and keeps the energy going. I can't give Street Smart Cyclist enough praise.

Morning Effort – i heard you the first time, it just wasn't funny

Matt Pollock's lyrics are always so poignant and resonate deep to my core, but this record in particular has a tangible atmosphere of loneliness, self-loathing, and depression. it's so vulnerable and expressive and means a lot to me.

concert videos

concert gifs

A good concert video will change your life – I live vicariously through concert videos on Youtube. I think that in watching a concert video you can gain a certain insight into the ethos of a band that is otherwise absent when listening to their recorded music. A concert video legitimizes music similarly to how a melody can legitimize lyrics. Seeing your favorite band perform live, whether in-person or on the screen of your Dell Inspiron, makes their music a tangible experience in a really unique way. Shoutout to Puddle Splashers, Young Camelot, The First Unitarian Church of Philadelphia, jommeez, and every amateur concert recorder on YouTube dot com.


atari 2600 graphics, harry clarke, mike mignola/hellboy, peter draws, wikimedia commons photos

i'm really interested in analog recording technology and historic printmaking techniques. i enjoy things that have a bit of antiquity.
